Monday, June 2, 2014

I'll Miss You

Its potentially been years since I heard this phrase out of someone's mouth but that in and of itself could be the depression talking. Today in my sign language class one of my peers mentioned that she will 'miss me' even though I was just using the rest room. I was touched by that small act of kindness.

Im always telling people that I love and miss them and then later hope that they HEARD me when I said it. Its tough to HEAR people when you are suffering from mental illness because those broken brain cells just don't allow you to absorb that kindness. You also don't hear the birds sing, or observe children laughing.

Your world is all dark, full of solitude and everything goes by in slow motion but everyone you watch is keeping pace with the rest of the world; completely oblivious to the suffering going around them because they have never been touched by mental illness. Or potentially they have forgotten?

I don't claim to have answers but today I will remember that someone said they will miss me.

Kindness Absorbed,

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